With the Notes widget, you can add text to your Start.me page. Use it as a Post-it to quickly jot down a phone number or a name. Or spice it up with Markdown coding to upgrade your note to a regular instruction. This feature is especially useful for shared pages. Here's everything you need to know about our Notes widget.
Add a Notes widget
Click the Add icon in the top right corner.
Locate the option Notes. Click it.
Click Add widget.
You will now see an empty Notes widget.
Click Save to confirm. Click cancel to leave the notes widget without changing its content.
You can add as many Notes widget to your page as you'd like. You can note anything you like; however, we advise against jotting down passwords or other sensitive information. Your Start.me page is not designed for this feature. We recommend using a dedicated password app, like LastPass or Dashlane.
Add more notes
After adding a Notes widget, you can add more notes.
With your mouse, go to the top right corner of your Notes widget. The More button will appear (three dots).
Click the More button to open the Widget menu.
Locate the Add Note and click it. The widget will now add a new note to your widget. Start typing to add the information.
โClick Save to confirm. Click cancel to leave the notes widget without changing its content.
To change the titles of your notes, click the pencil icon and click Save title.
Add Markdown to your text
You can change the regular text in your notes, by making them bold, Italic, or underline. Just add a simple Markdown command to your text.
<b> Bold </b>
<i> Italic </i>
<u> Underline </u>
<s> strikethrough </s>
This is a hyperlink
Add syntax highlighting with code blocks
Other HTML commands are also supported. Here's an example of the many possibilities Markdown has to offer:
Your text
# Heading## Sub-heading### Another deeper heading Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.Two spaces at the end of a line leave a line break.Text attributes _italic_, *italic*, __bold__, **bold**
`monospace`, ~~strikethrough~~Horizontal rule:---Bullet list: * apples * oranges * pearsNumbered list: 1. apples 2. oranges 3. pearsA [link](http://example.com).
Result in Notes widget
HeadingSub-headingAnother deeper headingParagraphs are separated by a blank line.
Two spaces at the end of a line leave a
Text attributes italic, italic, bold, bold,
Horizontal rule:
Bullet list:
Numbered list:
A link. |
Widget menu
Right-click the widget or click the More icon (three dots) to open the Widget menu. This is where you control the appearance and behavior of your widget.
These are your options
Edit Notes. Start editing the text and title of your notes widget. Click Done to stop editing.
Copy the widget to another page. The original widget will remain on the page.
Move the widget to another page. The original widget will be deleted.
Display settings. Set the size of the widget: auto, small, medium, or large.
Share the widget. Once you tick this option, you can share the widget with a unique link. In this window you'll also see if you've made a live copy of your widget.
Change background color and transparency. If you make the widget 100% transparent, you'll only see its content. You can also apply this setting to all other widgets on your page.
Delete widget. You'll get a pop-up to ask if you are sure. If you continue, the widget will be deleted. There is no way to undo this.
Here's a blog article, announcing the option to stack notes.
If you want to learn more about Markdown, you can start with this article from our blog: https://blog.start.me/how-to/markdown-bookmark-pages/
We've written a second article about more advanced Markdown features: https://blog.start.me/how-to/markdown-bookmark-pages-bullets-headings/
And finally, a third article with information about adding emoji and images:
โhttps://blog.start.me/how-to/add-images-emojis-markdown/For the complete syntax of Markdown, check this resource: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax.