With our Google AdSense widget, you can place a widget dedicated to Google AdSense on your start page.
Here's everything you need to know about this widget.
Add a Google AdSense widget
Click the Add icon in the top right corner (+ icon).
Click to Browse all widgets.
Locate the option Google AdSense. Click it.
Click Add widget.
Authorize Start.me to access your Google AdSense data. Click Allow to continue.
The widget will show the following data points:
Page views
Cost per click (CPC)
There are no further settings available.
You can add as many Google AdSense widgets to your page as you'd like.
Widget menu
Right-click the widget or click the More icon (three dots) to open the Widget menu. This is where you control the appearance and behavior of your Google AdSense widget.
These are your options
Edit the widget. Change the title. Click Done to stop editing.
Copy the widget to another page. The original widget will remain on the page.
Move the widget to another page. The original widget will be deleted.
Share the widget. Once you tick this option, you can share the widget with a unique link. In this window, you'll also see if you've made a live copy of your widget.
Background and transparency. Give your image gallery a color. Change the transparency of your widget. If you make it 100% transparent, you'll not see the color of your header. You can apply this setting to all other widgets on your page.
Delete widget. You'll get a pop-up to ask if you are sure. If you continue, the widget will be deleted. There is no way to undo this.
To read the introductory article about this widget, visit our blog: https://blog.start.me/updates/new-charts-google-adsense-and-image-gallery-widgets/