With our Stock Quotes widget, you can monitor many different stocks at once.
Add a Stock Quotes widget
Click the Add icon in the top right corner.
Click to Browse all widgets.
Locate the option Stock Quotes. Click it.
Go to Add widget.
You will now see an empty Stock Quotes widget.
Start typing the abbreviation of the stock you want to monitor. Any stock code from any stock exchange will do.
You can add more than one Stock Quotes widget to your page. Use the green Add button or click the grey Add buttons at the bottom of every column.
It's possible to add more than one Stock to every widget.
Widget menu
Right-click the widget or click the More icon (three dots) to open the Widget menu. This is where you control the appearance and behavior of your Stock Quotes widget.
These are your options
Add Symbol. Add the code for the stock you want to follow. You can also search by name.
Edit Symbol. Change the title or stock. Click Done to stop editing.
Refresh. To make sure you have access to the most recent data.
Copy the widget to another page. The original widget will remain on the page.
Move the widget to another page. The original widget will be deleted.
Share the widget. Once you tick this option, you can share the widget with a unique link. In this window you'll also see if you've made a live copy of your widget.
Display settings. Toggle if you wan to show stock symbols only.
Change background color and transparency. If you make the widget 100% transparent, you'll only see its content. You can also apply this setting to all other widgets on your page.
Delete widget. You'll get a pop-up to ask if you are sure. If your continue, the widget will delete. There is no way to undo this.
The data of this service is provided by Yahoo Finance.